Dhaka To Sharjah Flight Ticket Office In Dhanmondi

Dhaka To Sharjah Flight Ticket Office In Dhanmondi

Dhaka To Sharjah Flight Ticket Office In Dhanmondi

Searching for flights between Dhaka and Sharjah? Though the route between Dhaka and Sharjah has several flights flying to and fro throughout the day, booking flights from Dhaka to Sharjah becomes quite a task, especially when you are looking for flights to match your budget, itinerary, date, flight timing, and other preferences

Booking your flight from Dhaka to Sharjah with Merlin Tour & Travels gives you the freedom to choose your desired flight from 11 different flight options, operated by 3 different airlines. With Merlin Tour & Travels choose right from a 01:10 flight to a 19:00 flight and with price starting from just 42,000 BDT by AirArabia to Rs. 58,000 BDT by Etihad Airways.

Contact Address:

Orchid Plaza (5th floor), House No.2, RoadNo.28 (New No.15),

Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.

Mobile: +8801999034854

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.merlinbd.com

Why Choose Merlin Tour & Travels to Book Flights From Dhaka To Sharjah

Based on your traveling route and urgency, Merlin Tour & Travels also allows you to select search, select and book non-stop flights, one-stop flights, or multiple-stop flights between Dhaka and Sharjah. Your route from Dhaka and Sharjah offers you the option to choose from 2 Nonstop Flights or 9 One-Stop Flights.

The minimum time taken by a nonstop flight to reach Sharjah from Dhaka is 05h 00m and the maximum time is taken by a one-stop flight to reach Sharjah from Dhaka is 34h 55m.

Read More Here: Dhaka to Sharjah Flight Ticket Office

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  • Dhaka to Sharjah Flight
  • Travel Agency In Dhaka